
What is Skin Packaging?
Skin Packaging is a method of packaging using specialty cardboard and on this printed board a number of products are placed in position, with a sheet of plastic above the products. The plastic is heated until soft, when it is lowered and a vacuum created under the board so the softened plastic forms around and over the products, accurately following the contours of the products. The plastic adheres to the board protecting and holding the products in place.
The products are then die cut into individual packs, ready for display and sale.

What are the advantages of using Skin Packaging?
Convenience, flexibility, product protection, brand identification, pilfer resistance, enhanced product appearance, ease of packing, instant change to different products, low minimum order quantities, reduced stock holdings, retail desirable pack style, no cost for product molds, easy to use machinery, contract packing available, suitable for almost all products, and best of all, it's very affordable.

Will it suit my products?
Providing the product will fit the Skin Packaging machines, most products can be packed. Although some products that can be skin packed, it maybe, that a different form of packaging is better. In such cases we will give you our professional advice. For example, some clothing or a number of small screws, nuts, washers etc.
The best way to answer this question is to discuss your situation with us, and where appropriate, we will sample pack your products, so you can see the results. It's obligation free and full costings will be provided.

What is the Free Form Blister technique?
The basic format of Skin Packaging remains the same, the major differences commence with the way we go about developing the pack for you. This is our business and it is done in a very business like manner.
In terms of how products packed using our technique differ from our competitors, can be summed up by saying "they look so much better".
This due to firstly starting with the right type of board, using special inks, then a unique process to apply coating to the board, and in most cases using Supercharge © as the skin film. The Supercharge © film is a rigid film with exceptional properties, heating and forming in seconds, giving a crystal clear glossy skin tight covering over the products. The appearance is more like a pre-made blister, but better. Supercharge © film "free forms a blister pack", without the need to pay for expensive blister molds.

A range of gauges means that low profile products up to very heavy products can be packed without danger of the weight or size causing the product to lift off the board. The advent of Supercharge © has meant that a greater range of products can be skin packed.

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